AuthorTennessee State Library and Archives. Manuscripts Section.
TitleZilphia Horton Folk Music Collection.
Edition[2d ed.]
PublishedNashville, 1967.
Description3 p. ℓ., 41 p. 28 cm.
SeriesIts Registers, no. 6
Tennessee State Library and Archives. Manuscripts Section. Registers, no. 6.
General NoteCover title.
SubjectsFolk songs -- United States -- Collections.
Folk songs, American -- Southern States.
Horton, Zilphia, 1910-1956 -- Manuscripts -- Indexes.
Other AuthorsHorton, Zilphia, 1910-1956.
OrganizationsZilphia Horton Folk Music Collection.
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Z 8417.5 T295
mq34053: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 26913]