AuthorLewis, Frank Pardee, 1851-
TitleRandall Lewis of Hopkinton, Rhode Island, and Delaware County, New York, and some of his descendants; a biographical and genealogical record by Frank Pardee Lewis, and Edward Chester Lewis ...
PublishedSeattle, The Argus press, 1929.
Description200 p. incl. illus., ports. 23 1/2 cm.
General NoteBlank pages for additions and corrections (185-200)
"Edition 300 copies."
SubjectsLewis family.
Lewis, Randall, fl. 1765.
Other AuthorsLewis, Edward Chester, 1849- joint author.
LC Card Number29-6442
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Lewis family
mq194825: Family histories, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 126196]