AuthorSage, Elisha L., 1809-1883.
TitleGenealogical record of the descendants of David Sage, a native of Wales; born 1639, and one of the first settlers of Middletown, Connecticut--1652. Carefully prepared and revised by 1515 Elisha L. Sage in 1878, from authentic records. Brought to date (1919) by 232 Charles H. Sage.
PublishedBatavia, N.Y., C.H. Sage, 1919.
Description128 p. incl. front. (coat of arms) 23 1/2 cm.
General NoteInterspersed with blank pages.
SubjectsSage family.
Other AuthorsSage, Charles H., b. 1863, ed.
LC Card Number23-999
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Sage family (Red File)
mq196708: Family histories, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 128077]