AuthorWise, John, 1808-1879.
TitleA system of aeronautics, comprehending its earliest investigations, and modern practice and art. Designed as a history for the common reader, and guide to the student of the art. In three parts. Containing an account of the various attempts in the art of flying by artificial means, from the earliest period down to the discovery of the aeronautic machine by the Montgolfiers, in 1782, and to a later period. With a brief history of the author's fifteen years' experience in aerial voyages. Also, full instructions in the art of making balloons ... By John Wise ...
PublishedPhiladelphia, J.A. Speel, 1850.
Descriptionxvi, [17]-310 p. front. (port.) plates. 23 cm.
General NoteAn enlarged edition was issued in 1873 under title "Through the air."
SubjectsAeronautics -- History.
Balloon ascensions -- History.
LC Card Number07-3457//r86
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: TL 515 W812
mq98452: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 54702]