AuthorWaller, James B. (James Breckenridge), 1817-
TitleReminiscences of Benjamin Franklin as a diplomatist / by James Breckenridge Waller.
Published[Chicago? : s.n., 1879?]
Description39, [3] p. ; 21 cm.
General NoteTitle from caption.
In the form of a letter addressed to H.J. Williams, a great grand nephew of Franklin.
The 3 p. at end contain a reprint of Williams' obituary.
SubjectsFranklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790.
Other AuthorsFranklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790.
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: E 302.6 F831 W2
mq87457: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 50993]