Uniform TitleOkolona States
TitleThe solid South.
PublishedBartlett, Tenn., C.S.A. : [s.n.],
Dates of PublicationBegan in 1881.
Descriptionv. ; 56 cm.
General NoteDescription based on: Vol. 1, no. 10 (Mar. 3, 1881).
"Represents the real and only sentiments of the Democratic Party ... and demands the repeal of the Revolutionary Amendments and champions the cause of state sovereignty (including secession as an incident)."
Complex NoteContinues: Okolona States from Okolona, Miss.
SubjectsConfederate States of America -- Newspapers -- Post Civil War.
Democratic Party. Tennessee.
Previous TitlesContinues: Okolona States
LC Card Numbersn85-38547
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: 30 S4.2 001
mq6766: Newspapers, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 3101]