AuthorAmerican Museum of Natural History.
TitleThe ... annual report of the American Museum of Natural History.
PublishedNew York : [The Museum] 1870-1884.
Dates of Publication1st (Jan. 1870)-15th (Mar. A.D. 1884)
Description15 v. in 12 ; 21-22 cm.
General NoteThird and 4th reports (dated Nov. 1872), 5th and 6th reports (Dec. 1, 1874), and 9th and 10th reports (Jan. 1, 1878) issued in combined form, with title: The ... and ... annual reports of the American Museum of Natural History.
Num. Peculiar.Report covers previous year.
SubjectsAmerican Museum of Natural History -- Periodicals.
Natural history museums -- New York (State) -- New York -- Periodicals.
Other TitlesAnnual reports of the American Museum of Natural History
Later TitlesContinued by: American Museum of Natural History. Annual report of the trustees, constitution, by-laws, and list of members for the year ...
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: QH 1 A512R
mq47301.: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

no. 1
no. 5-6 (1870
[Record 31055]