AuthorWinchell, N. H. (Newton Horace), 1839-1914,
TitleThe weathering of aboriginal stone artifacts, no. 1. : a consideration of the paleoliths of Kansas (illustrated by 20 figures and 19 half-tone plates) / by N.H. Winchell.
PublishedSt. Paul, Minn. : Minnesota Historical Society, 1913.
Descriptionxiv, 186 p., [38] leaves of plates : ill., fold. map. ; 24 cm.
SeriesCollections of the Minnesota Historical Society ; v. 16, pt. 1.
General NoteNo more published.
SubjectsKansas -- Antiquities.
Stone implements -- Kansas.
OrganizationsMinnesota Historical Society.
Related TitlesA consideration of the paleoliths of Kansas.
LC Card Number13-33262
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 43 B M665 Co v.16 pt.1
mq98255: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 54506]