AuthorFairfield, Wynn Cowan.
TitleDescendants of John Fairfield of Wenham / by Wynn Cowan Fairfield, with the collaboration of Alice Fairfield Saam.
Published[New York, : W.C. Fairfield, 1953-
Descriptionv. ; 28 cm.
General NoteIncludes index.
Formatted NoteContents: v. 1. First five generations, with an appendix on Fairfield families in England.
Reproduct. NotePhotocopy. [United States : s.n., 1985?- 36 cm.
SubjectsFairfield family.
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Fairfield family v.1
mq197236: Family histories, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 128605]