AuthorWells, David Ames, 1828-1898.
TitleSketches of Williams College.
PublishedWilliamstown, Mass. [Springfield, Mass., H.S. Taylor, printer] 1847.
Descriptionvi p., 1 ℓ., [9]-99, [1] p. 23 cm.
General NotePreface signed: D.A. Wells, S.H. Davis.
Pl. and newspaper clipping inserted.
SubjectsWilliams College -- History.
Other AuthorsDavis, Samuel Henry, 1826-1849, joint author.
LC Card Number07-8772
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: LD 6073 W453
mq96853: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 53106]