Author | Norton, C. A. Quincy.
Title | Catalogue of an important collection of antique historical lamps, candlesticks, lanterns, relics, etc., formed by Dr. C.A. Quincy Norton of Hartford, Conn. Including a large number of rare and unusual specimens in pewter, brass, iron, tin, bronze, glass, clay, etc., the whole forming perhaps the most complete collection of its kind ever offered for sale ...
Published | [New York, S.L. Parsons & Co., Inc., Printers, 1914]
Description | 42 p., 1 l. XII pl. (incl. front.)
General Note | Cover-title: Catalogue of the Norton collection of antique historical lamps. Sold March 10, 1914, at the Merwin galleries, New York.
Subjects | Candlesticks. Lamps. Lanterns.
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: NK 8360 N883 mq138334: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 75383] |