Title | Revolutionary history of North Carolina : in three lectures / by Rev. Francis L. Hawks, Hon. David L. Swain, LL.D., and Hon. Wm. A. Graham, LL.D. ; to which is prefixed a preliminary sketch of the battle of the Alamance ; compiled by William D. Cooke.
Published | Raleigh : W.D. Cooke ; New York : G.P. Putnam & Co., 1853.
Description | 236 p., [5] p. of plates : ill. ; 21 cm.
Formatted Note | Contents: Hawks, F.L. Battle of the Alamance and war of the regulation.--Hawks, F.L. The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence; a lecture delivered before the New York Historical Society, Dec. 16, 1852.--Swain, D.L. British invasion of North Carolina, in 1776; a lecture delivered before the Historical Society of the University of North Carolina, Apr. 1, 1853.--Graham, W.A. British invasion of North Carolina, in 1780, and 1781; a lecture delivered before the New-York Historical Society, in Jan., 1853.--Appendix.
Subjects | Alamance, Battle of, 1771. Mecklenburg declaration of independence. North Carolina -- History -- Revolution.
Other Authors | Cooke, William D. Lilly, Lambert, 1798-1866. Swain, David L. (David Lowry), 1801-1868. Graham, William A. (William Alexander), 1804-1875.
Organizations | New-York Historical Society. North Carolina Historical Society.
LC Card Number | 02-4580 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: E 263 N867C mq57103: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 38558] |