TitleGallipolis dispatch.
PublishedGallipolis, Ohio : Dispatch Printing Association, 1856-1869.
Dates of PublicationBegan in 1856; ceased with Nov. 5(?), 1869 issue.
Descriptionv. ; 58 cm.
General NoteDescription based on: Vol. 8, no. 39 (Sept. 2, 1864) = whole no. 398.
Published on Friday.
"Democratic, 1856-Apr. 1863, Sept. 1863-1869; Independent, May-Sept. 1863.
SubjectsDemocratic Party. Ohio.
LC Card Numbersn85-38124
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: 34 G1.2 002
mq5532: Newspapers, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

v. 8, no. 39 (Sep. 2, 1864)
[Record 1867]