Author | Massachusetts. Laws, statutes, etc.
Title | The general laws of Massachusetts, from the adoption of the constitution, to February, 1822. With the constitutions of the United States and of this Commonwealth, together with their respective amendments, prefixed. Rev. and published, by authority of the Legislature, in conformity with a resolution passed 22d. February, 1822. By Asahel Stearns & Lemuel Shaw, commissioners, Theron Metcalf, editor.
Published | Boston, Wells & Lilly, 1823.
Description | 2 v.
Subjects | Law -- Massachusetts.
Other Authors | Stearns, Asahel. Shaw, Lemuel. Metcalf, Theron, 1784-1875.
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: B 8028 mq153127: Local class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 89951] |