AuthorDenroche, Chris.
TitleA souvenir history of the parish of St. Paul's, Kent County, Maryland / comp. for the bi-centennial celebration of its foundation in 1693, by the Rev. Chris. T. Denroche.
Published[Chestertown, Md.] : Chestertown transcript steam book print, [1893]
Description42 p., 1 l., [2] p. : ill., pl. ; 24 cm.
SubjectsKent Co. (Md.) -- Church history.
St. Paul's Parish (Kent County, Md.)
LC Card Number06-42564
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Pam. D729
mq184821: Pamphlets, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 116325]