AuthorEpiscopal Church. Diocese of Pennsylvania.
TitleJournal of the ... convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania.
Published[Philadelphia] : Published by order of the convention,
Dates of Publication-139th (1923).
Descriptionv. ; 22 cm.
General NoteDescription based on: 131st(1915).
"With appendices."
SubjectsEpiscopal Church -- Pennsylvania.
Previous TitlesContinues: Episcopal Church. Diocese of Pennsylvania. Journal of the proceedings of the ... convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the State of Pennsylvania
Later TitlesContinued by: Episcopal Church. Diocese of Pennsylvania. Journal of the ... annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 11 RK P967J
mq146747: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

no. 73-87
no. 89-115
no. 117-118 (1857-71
[Record 83753]