Uniform TitleNews-times
Amherst times
Amherst weekly news
TitleThe Amherst news-times.
PublishedAmherst, Ohio : Amherst News Co., 1919-
Dates of PublicationVol. 1, no. 1 (May 8, 1919)-
Descriptionv. : ill. ; 61 cm.
FrequencyWeekly, May 1921-
Form AvailableLibrary also has 2 reels of microfilm: May 8 & May 15, 1919; Aug. 21, 1919-Dec. 23, 1920; Jan. 4, 1921-May 8, 1924; Aug. 14, 1924. Ohio Historical Society.
Complex NoteFormed by the union of: Amherst times (non-extant?), and: Amherst weekly news.
SubjectsAmherst (Ohio) -- Newspapers.
Lorain County (Ohio) -- Newspapers.
Other AuthorsLittle, E. A.
LC Card Numbersn84-28333
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: 34 L5.1 023
mq4489: Newspapers, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

(May 8 (v. 1, no. 1)-16, Aug 21, 1919-May 8, 1924
Aug 14, 1924)
Jul 13, 1922 lacking
[Record 828]