AuthorReed, Sam. Rockwell (Samuel Rockwell), 1820?-1889.
TitleThe war of 1886, between the United States and Great Britain. The surprising experience--the military and financial situation of our beloved country--capture of the lake, sea-board, and Mississippi-River cities and the capital--the British terms of peace--the military and financial reconstruction. By Sam. Rockwell Reed ...
Edition2d ed.
PublishedCincinnati, R. Clarke & Co., 1882.
Description25 p. 18 cm.
SubjectsOhio imprints -- 1882.
United States -- Defenses.
LC Card Number15-2544
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: UA 23 R326
mq150950: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 87897]