Uniform TitleAmerican union (Boston, Mass.)
Union jack! Or, sailor's log book
TitleStar spangled banner.
PublishedBoston, [Mass.] : J. Jones, -1857.
Dates of Publication^<0x95>Began in 1846?
^<0x95>Ceased in 1857.
Descriptionv. : ill. ; 69 cm.
General NoteDescription based on: Vol. 1, no. 45 (July 31, 1847).
"Spangled" appears in title ornament, Mar. 22, 1851-1857.
"A weekly family journal containing novels, romances, tales, legends, advertures, poems, gems of wit and humor, news, etc."
<June 3,> 1854 issue published simultaneously at St. Louis, Mo. by E.P. Gray.
Publishers: W.R. Hayden, 1851; Hayden & Peabody, 1851; T.H. Peabody, 1851-<1854>; A. Woodman & Co., <1855-1856>.
Complex NotePublished from the office of: American union (Boston, Mass.).
Published from the same office: Union jack! Or, sailor's log book.
SubjectsLiterary newspapers -- Massachusetts.
LC Card Numbersn83-21157
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: 05 S1.2 x017
mq5691: Newspapers, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

v. 4, no. 30 (Apr 13, 1850)
[Record 2026]