AuthorDayton, Frederick, 1824-1870.
TitleThird series of the historical sketch of Watertown, Connecticut; with the record of its mortality, from 1858 to 1871. Prepared for publication by the late Frederick Dayton.
PublishedWaterbury, Conn., Press of Cooke, Mattoon & Robbins, 1871.
Description29, [4] p. 19 cm.
General NoteA continuation of Richardson's Historical sketch of Watertown, revised and enlarged by Frederick Dayton, 1858.--cf. Note.
Edited by M.G.D.
SubjectsRegisters of births, etc. -- Connecticut -- Watertown.
Watertown (Conn.) -- History.
Other AuthorsD., M. G., ed.
M. G. D., ed.
LC Card Numberrc01-3318
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Pam. D545
mq172835: Pamphlets, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 104515]