Uniform TitleEssex journal or, New Hampshire packet
Essex journal, or The New-Hampshire packet and the weekly advertiser
TitleThe Essex journal and New-Hampshire packet.
PublishedNewburyport, [Mass.] : John Mycall and Henry Walter Tinges, 1775-1776.
Dates of PublicationVol. 2, no. 97 (Nov. 10, 1775)-v. 3, no. 147 (Oct. 25, 1776).
Description2 v. ; 41 cm.
General NotePublisher: John Mycall, 1776.
References: Evans 14750; Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers, p. 375.
Num. Peculiar.Continues numbering of: Essex journal or, New-Hampshire packet.
Supplement NoteSupplements accompany some issues.
Form AvailableAvailable on microopaque from Readex Microprint Corp.
Previous TitlesContinues: Essex journal or, New Hampshire packet
Later TitlesContinued by: Essex journal, or The New-Hampshire packet and the weekly advertiser
LC Card Numbersn83-20452
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: 05 E1.2 018
mq5728: Newspapers, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

(Apr 26, May 10, 24, Jun 1, 14-21, Aug 16, 1776 (v. 3, no. 121))
[Record 2063]