AuthorMitchell, James T. (James Tyndale), 1834-1915.
TitleThe District court of the city and county of Philadelphia. An address delivered at the final adjournment of the court, January 4, 1875, by Hon. James T. Mitchell, to which are added the remarks on behalf of the bar by Hon. Benjamin Harris Brewster, and the reply of Hon. J. I. Clark Hare.
PublishedPhiladelphia, J. M. P. Wallace [c1875]
Description34 p. 23 cm.
SubjectsCourts -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia.
Philadelphia (Pa.). District Court.
Other AuthorsBrewster, Benjamin Harris, 1816-1888.
Hare, J. I. Clark (John Innes Clark)
LC Card Number41-42490
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: B 1057, no. 2
mq158915: Local class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 95716]