Uniform TitleCharleston tri-weekly news (Charleston, S.C. : 1868)
Tri-weekly news and courier
Weekly news (Charleston, S.C. : 1879)
Weekly news and courier
Semi-weekly news and courier
Charleston daily news
Charleston daily courier
TitleNews and courier.
PublishedCharleston, S.C. : [s.n.], 1873-
Dates of PublicationVol. 10, no. 2256 (Apr. 7, 1873)-
Descriptionv. : ill. ; 56 cm.
General NoteOn Sunday published as: Sunday news, Apr. 7, 1873-Aug. 22, 1926; Sunday, the news and courier, the Charleston evening post, Apr. 7, 1974-Mar. 19, 1978; Sunday, the news and courier, the evening post, Mar. 26, 1978-< >.
On Saturday published as: Saturday, the news and courier, the Charleston evening post, Apr. 6, 1974-Mar. 18, 1978; Saturday, the news and courier, the evening post, Mar. 25, 1978-< >.
1803-1903 Centennial edition published on Apr. 20, 1904.
Supplement NoteHas occasional supplements.
Form AvailableAlso available on microfilm from Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co.
Complex NoteOther editions available: Charleston tri-weekly news; Tri-weekly news and courier; Weekly news; Weekly news and courier; Semi-weekly news and courier.
SubjectsWomen in the Confederate States of America.
LC Card Numbersn84-26936
Canceled: sn 83045174
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: 19 C4.2 005
mq6938: Newspapers, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 3273]