AuthorWellman, Joshua W. (Joshua Wyman), 1821-1915.
TitleDescendants of Thomas Wellman of Lynn, Massachusetts, by Joshua Wyman Wellman.
PublishedBoston, Mass., A. H. Wellman, 1918.
Descriptionxv, 581 p. illus., ports., col. coat of arms. 25 cm.
General NoteEdited by George Walter Chamberlain.
SubjectsWellman family.
Other AuthorsChamberlain, George Walter, 1859-1939?
Wellman, Arthur Holbrook, 1855-
LC Card Number19-5763
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Wellman family (Restricted)
mq199986: Family histories, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 131354]