AuthorWorcester Baptist Association (Mass.)
TitleMinutes of the Worcester Baptist Association.
Published[Mass.] : The Association, [1819-1895]
Dates of Publication1819-1895.
Descriptionv. ; 25 cm.
General NoteDescription based on: 1820; title from cover.
Num. Peculiar.Vols. for 1847-1876 have: "at its 28th-57th anniversary"; vols. for -1895 have: " -76th anniversary."
SubjectsBaptists -- Massachusetts -- Periodicals.
Worcester Baptist Association (Mass.)
Later TitlesContinued by: Worcester Baptist Association (Mass.) Minutes of the ... anniversary of the Worcester Baptist Association
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Pam. W1374
mq112026: Pamphlets, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 60632]