Author | Geiger, L. (Lazarus), 1829-1870.
Title | Contributions to the history of the development of the human race : lectures and dissertations / by Lazarus Geiger ; translated from the second German ed. by David Asher.
Published | Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1880.
Description | viii, 156 p. ; 21 cm.
Series | English and foreign philosophical library ; 20
Formatted Note | Contents: Language and its importance in the history of the development of the human race -- The earliest history of the human race in the light of language, with special references to the origin of tools -- On colour-sense in primitive times and its development -- On the origin of writing -- The discovery of fire -- On the primitive home of the Indo-Europeans.
Subjects | Ethnology. Language and languages.
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: GN 325 G312 mq80417: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 46616] |