AuthorLangdon, Samuel, 1723-1797.
TitleObservations on the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. Which comprehend the most approved sentiments of the celebrated Mr. Mede, Mr. Lowman, Bishop Newton, and other noted writers on this book: and cast much additional light on the more obsure prophecies; especially those which point out the time of the rise and fall of Antichrist. In two parts ... By Samuel Langdon, D. D. ...
PublishedWorcester, Massachusetts, Isaiah Thomas, 1791.
Description337 p. 22 cm.
SubjectsBible. N.T. Revelation -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Imprints, Early -- American -- To 1820.
LC Card Numbera34-256
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: B 4451
mq148790: Local class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 85796]