AuthorRowlandson, Mary White, ca. 1635-ca. 1678.
TitleNarrative of the captivity and removes of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, who was taken by the Indians at the destruction of Lancaster, in 1676. Written by herself.
Edition6th ed., 2d Lancaster ed.
PublishedLancaster [Mass.], Carter, Andrews, 1828.
Descriptionx, [11]-100 p. 14 cm.
General NoteEd. by Joseph Willard.
SubjectsIndians of North America -- Captivities.
Lancaster (Mass.) -- History -- Colonial period.
Other AuthorsWillard, Joseph, 1798-1865.
LC Card Number02-16694
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: E 90 R883
mq156766: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 93569]