Title | An illustrated history of Southern California. Embracing the counties of San Diego, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and Orange, and the peninsula of Lower California, from the earliest period of occupancy to the present time; together with glimpses of their prospects; also, full-page portraits of some of their eminent men, and biographical mention of many of their pioneers and of prominent citizens of to-day.
Published | Chicago, The Lewis Publishing Company, 1890.
Description | viii, 9-898 p. plates, ports. 30 x 24 cm.
Subjects | Los Angeles County (Calif.) -- History. Baja California (Mexico) -- History. California, Southern -- History. Orange County (Calif.) -- History. San Bernardino County (Calif.) -- History. San Diego County (Calif.) -- History.
Organizations | Lewis Publishing Company.
LC Card Number | rc01-903 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: F 65 X S727 1890 mq104177: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 60112] |