AuthorBoaz, Ben.
TitleThe winged chariot; an allegory [and other stories] by Ben Boaz.
PublishedCincinnati, A. B. Volney, 1858.
Descriptioniii, 4-300 p. front. pl. 19 cm.
Formatted NoteContents: The winged chariot: an allegory.--The way the world goes.--The wheel of fortune; or, The ups and downs of life.--Autobiography of Ben Boaz.--The fallen angel.--Light from heaven; or, The great revival of 1858.--Conclusion.
SubjectsOhio imprints -- 1858.
LC Card Number06-14195
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: B 2546
mq147636: Local class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 84642]