AuthorGriswold, Stanley, 1763-1815.
TitleChurch and state, a political union, formed by the enemies of both. Illustrated in correspondencies between the Rev. Stanley Griswold, and the Rev. Dan Huntington, and between Col. Ephraim Kirby, and the Rev. Joseph Lyman.
Published[n. p.] Printed, in the year of our Lord, 1802.
Descriptioniv, 5-60 p. 22 cm.
General NoteAttributed to Abraham Bishop, with Hartford imprint. Cf. Gaines.
Sabin 5592; Gaines 02-07.
SubjectsChurch and state.
Griswold, Stanley, 1763-1815. Overcoming evil with good.
Imprints, Early -- American -- To 1820.
United States -- Politics and government -- Constitutional period, 1789-1809.
Other AuthorsHuntington, Dan, 1774-1864.
Kirby, Ephraim, 1757-1804.
Lyman, Joseph, 1749-1828.
Bishop, Abraham, 1763-1844. supposed author.
LC Card Numbera33-1690
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: E 331 G871C
mq87046: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 50586]