AuthorChidlaw, Benjamin Williams, 1811-1892.
TitleThe American, which contains notes on a journey from the Ohio valley to Wales, a look at the state of Ohio; history of Welsh settlements in America, instructions for inquirers before the journey, on the journey, and after its completion. English translation by The Reverend R. Gwilym Williams.
PublishedBala [Wales] : County Press, 1978.
Description52 p. ; 19 cm.
General NoteTranslation of Yr American published in Llanrwst [Wales] by Argraffwyd, gan J. Jones in 1840.
Cover title.
SubjectsOhio -- Description and travel.
Welsh -- Ohio.
Welsh -- United States.
Other AuthorsWilliams, R. Gwilym
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Pam. C726
mq171833: Pamphlets, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 103551]