Title | Monument to, and history of the Mingo Indians; facts and traditions about this tribe, their wars, chiefs, camps, villages and trails. Monument dedicated to their memory near the village of Mingo, in Tygarts River Valley of West Virginia. Addresses and articles by William H. Cobb, Andrew Price [and] Hu Maxwell.
Published | [Cumberland, Md., Printed by F. B. Jenvy, c 1921]
Description | 32 p. 24 cm.
Subjects | Mingo Indians.
Other Authors | Cobb, William Henry, 1859- Price, Andrew. Maxwell, Hu, 1860-1927.
LC Card Number | 21-9444//r22 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: E 99 M664 M8 mq131056: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 71510] |