AuthorHerkimer County Historical Society.
TitlePapers read before the Herkimer county historical society during the years 1896-
PublishedHerkimer, Ilion, N.Y., 1899-
Descriptionv. 24 cm.
General NotePapers for 1896-198 compiled by Arthur T. Smith.
Formatted NoteContents: v. 4. Sept. 1902 to May 1914.
SubjectsHerkimer County (N.Y.) -- History -- Societies.
Other AuthorsSmith, Arthur T.
LC Card Number07-30379
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 9 X H548 H6, v. 4
mq22543 v.1: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 15692]