AuthorChicago Historical Society.
TitleMemorial addresses commemorative of the lives and characters of Hon. Isaac N. Arnold and Hon. Thomas Hoyne, delivered October 21, 1884. By E. B. Washburne, Thomas Drummond, and Van H. Higgins, in respect of Mr. Arnold; and John Wentworth, in respect of Mr. Hoyne.
PublishedChicago, Fergus Print. Co., 1884.
Description43 p. 25 cm.
General NoteThe memorial address upon Mr. Arnold was also published in the Chicago Historical Society's Collections, v. 4, p. 27-52.
SubjectsArnold, Isaac Newton, 1815-1884.
Hoyne, Thomas, 1817-1883,
LC Card Number03-27031
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Pam. C2154
mq184260: Pamphlets, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 115764]