AuthorHutchinson, William Francis, 1838-1893.
TitleThe bay fight ; a sketch of the Battle of Mobile Bay, August 5th, 1864. By William F. Hutchinson.
PublishedProvidence, S. S. Rider, 1879.
Description28 p. front. (pl.) map. 21 cm.
SeriesAdded t-p. : Personal narratives of the battles of the rebellion, being papers read before the Rhode Island soldiers and sailors historical society. no. 8
SubjectsMobile Bay (Ala.), Battle of, 1864.
LC Card Number07-34272
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: E 464 R475 ser.1 no.8
mq104054: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 59989]