AuthorStansbury, Howard, 1806-1863.
TitleDie Mormonen-Ansiedlungen, die Felsenge-Birge und der grosse Salzee; nebst einer Beschreibung der Auswanderer-Strasse und der interessanten Abenteuer der Auswanderungen nach jenen Gegenden. Geschildert auf einer Untersuchungs-Expedition, von Howard Stansbury. Deutsch bearbeitet von Dr. Kottenkamp.
PublishedStuttgart, Franckh, 1854.
Descriptionviii, 293 p., fold. map. 17 cm.
General NoteTranslation of the narrative portion of Stansbury's report, originally pub. 1852 as U.S. Army. Corps of Topographical Engineers Exploration and survey of the valley of the Great Salt Lake.
SubjectsGreat Salt Lake.
Natural history -- Utah.
United States -- Exploring expeditions.
West (U.S.) -- Description and travel.
OrganizationsUnited States. Army. Corps of Topographical Engineers.
Call Number/Copies 
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[Record 22045]