AuthorBalfour, Walter, 1776-1852.
TitleAn inquiry into the Scriptural import of the words sheol, hades, tartarus, and gehenna : translated hell in the common English version. by Walter Balfour ; revised with essays and notes by Otis A. Skinner.
EditionRev. ed.
PublishedBoston : A. Tompkins, 1854.
Description358 p. ; 20 cm.
SubjectsFuture punishment -- Controversial literature.
Other AuthorsSkinner, Otis A. (Otis Ainsworth), 1807-1861.
LC Card Number40-38489
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: BT 837 B2 1854
mq42152: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 28614]