AuthorDougherty, William C., 1845-1928.
TitleFamily history of James Dougherty and lineage of descent, by William C. Dougherty.
PublishedNickelsville, Va., Service Printery [1930]
Description50 p. port. 14 cm.
General NoteBlank pages for "Memorandum" (47-50)
"William C. Dougherty by M. D. Roie": p. 41-43.
The manuscript, left incomplete at the author's death, was continued by W. P. Blankenbecler. cf. p. 43.
SubjectsDougherty family.
Other TitlesCover title: Family history of James Dougherty
LC Card Number32-14287
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Dougherty family, Red File
mq14883: Family histories, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 9144]