AuthorConnecticut Historical Society.
TitleHistorical documents and notes : genesis and development of the Connecticut Historical Society and associated institutions in the Wadsworth Athenæum.
PublishedHartford [Conn.] : The Society, 1889 (Hartford, Conn. : Case, Lockwood, & Brainard Co.)
Description114 p. ; 24 cm.
General NoteCover title: The Connecticut Historical Society and associated institutions.
Formatted NoteContents: The Hartford Library Company -- The Hartford Young Men's Institute -- The Connecticut Historical Society -- The Wadsworth Athenæum -- The Watkinson Library -- The Connecticut Society of Natural History -- The Art Society of Hartford -- Report of the joint committees -- Addenda --Bibliography of the Historical Society / by F.B. Gay -- Officers and members of the Connecticut Historical Society, 1825-1889.
SubjectsConnecticut -- History -- Societies, etc.
Learned institutions and societies -- Connecticut -- Connecticut.
Related TitlesConnecticut Historical Society and associated institutions.
LC Card Number03-28507
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 7 B C752H
mq56920: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 38375]