TitleWho's who in the nation's capital.
PublishedWashington, D.C. : Consolidated Publishing Co., [c1921-
Dates of Publication^<0x95>1st ed. (1921/22)-
^<0x95>Ceased publication?
Descriptionv. ; 23 cm.
FrequencyBiennial (irregular)
General NotePublisher varies: 1926/27- published by Ransdell Incorporated.
Editor: 1926/27- S.H. Williamson.
SubjectsWashington (D.C.) -- Biography -- Periodicals.
LC Card Number21-14804
Canceled: sn 85064130
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 14 ZH W628
mq25845: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

[Record 53791]