Author | Robinson, Edward Stevens, 1893-1937.
Title | The behavior of the museum visitor, by Edward Stevens Robinson; assisted by Irene Case Sherman and Lois E. Curry. Together with a preliminary report from the Pennsylvania Museum, by Horace H. F. Jayne.
Published | Washington, D.C. 1928.
Description | 72 p. incl. tables, diagrs. 26 cm.
Series | Publications of the American Association of Museums, new ser., no. 5
Subjects | Museums.
Other Authors | Sherman, Irene (Chase) 1894- Strayer, Lois Curry. Jayne, Horace H. F. (Horace Howard Furness), 1898-
Organizations | Philadelphia Museum of Art.
LC Card Number | 28-18440 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: AM 1 A512 P9 n.s. no.5 mq159061: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 95862] |