AuthorChapin, Gilbert Warren, 1847-
TitleThe Chapin book of genealogical data, with brief biographical sketches, of the descendants of Deacon Samuel Chapin, compiled by Gilbert Warren Chapin ...
PublishedHartford, Conn., Chapin family association, 1924.
Description2 v. col. front., plates, ports., facsims. 24 cm.
Formatted NoteContents: I. First seven generations.--II. Eighth to twelfth generations.
SubjectsChapin family.
Chapin, Samuel, 1595?-1675 -- Family.
Chopin family.
LC Card Number25-13448
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Chapin family, v. 1
mq191946: Family histories, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
 WRHS Research Library: Chapin family, v. 2
mq237276: Family histories, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 123441]