Formatted Note | Contents: Free speech, by N. P. Rogers. - Reform, by Wendell Phillips. - The American union, by Adin Ballou. - The nation's destiny, by A. H. Price. - What can a woman do? by Richard Hildreth. - The reception of slave holders at the north, by G. W. Stacey. - Treason! by C. K. Whipple. - The bond-woman's prayer, by Eliza Storr. - Is christianity, the religion of peace, adapted to this world? by S. E. Cones. - The pledge and prospect of peace, by Elihu Burritt. - The contrast, by J. R. Lowell. - Self reliance, by H. Clapp, jr. - A thought upon emancipation (anon.) - The slave-wife, by Frances H. Green. - The slave-mother, by S. L. L. - A letter, by John Brown. - Lines written in November, by Sarah H. Whitman. - Ahmed's letters, from "The Kosmian." - The golden ball, by Sarah H. Whitman.