AuthorRamsdell, George Allen, 1834-1900.
TitleThe history of Milford, by George A. Ramsdell. Family registers by William P. Colburn. Published by the town. Committee of publication: George A. Worcester, Clinton S. Averill.
PublishedConcord, N.H., The Rumford press, 1901.
Descriptionxv, 1023 p. front., pl., port., fold. maps, plan. 23 cm.
SubjectsMilford (N.H.) -- Genealogy.
Milford (N.H.) -- History.
Other AuthorsColburn, William P., b. 1827.
LC Card Number02-18430
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 3 Y M644 R2
mq144803: LC class, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 81826]