AuthorNew York (State). Dept. of Labor.
TitleAnnual report of the Commissioner of Labor / New York State Department of Labor.
PublishedAlbany : The Dept., 1902-1915.
Dates of Publication1st (1901)-14th (1913/14).
Description14 v. : ill. ; 23 cm.
General NoteThe first report also includes the sixteenth annual report on factory inspection.
Num. Peculiar.Report year ends September 30.
The first report covers the period March 6 to September 31, 1901.
SubjectsLabor -- New York (State) -- Periodicals.
New York (State). Dept. of Labor -- Periodicals.
Later TitlesContinued by: New York (State). Industrial Commission. Annual report of the Industrial Commission
LC Card Number09-1047//r983
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no. 1
no. 14 (1901
[Record 77318]