AuthorLawrence, B.
TitleThe complete cattle-keeper : or, Farmer's and grazier's guide in the choice and management of neat cattle and sheep ; including useful observations and suggestions relative to the comparative value of the various breeds ; and on the injurious effects resulting from improper food and impure water ; hints to dairymen, on the best construction of the cow-house, or stable ; and on the management of milch cows ; a description of the internal structure of neat cattle, and of their digestive system ; the diseases to which cattle are subject ... the proper treatment of calves and lambs ; and every other necessary information / by B. Lawrence.
PublishedPhiladelphia : E. L. Carey and A. Hart, 1832.
Description3 p. ℓ., [3]-201 [1] p., 1 ℓ. ; 17.2 cm.
General NoteBound in tan leather, stamped in gold; pale green leather label on spine, stamped in gold; all edges speckled. Front cover detached.
Related TitlesFarmer's and grazier's guide.
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: BX 9785 A4 L4
mq170501: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 102220]