Author | Harper, Harry, 1880-
Title | Sky riders : a book of famous flyers / by Harry Harper.
Published | London : Collins, c1943.
Description | 176 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 27 cm
Summary Note | Summary: This book contains biographies of famous war-time and peace-time pilots. Included are many war-time heroes and pioneers of flight, from the first men and women to fly, to the first to fly cross oceans and then around the world. Newfoundland's role in early aviation is mentioned throughout, as the first attempted and successful transatlantic flights began in Newfoundland (p. 90-103), and the airfield in Harbour Grace was used during many significant flights, including the first flight around the world (p. 123).
Subjects | Aeronautics -- Flights. Aeronautics -- History. Air pilots -- Biography.
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: TL 515 H293 1943 CA-1904845: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 133936] |