AuthorFlanders, Henry, 1826-1911.
TitleA commemorative address delivered at the hall of the Historical scoiety of Pennsylvania, November 10, 1884, on John William Wallace, LL. D., late president of the society. By Mr. Henry Flanders.
PublishedPhiladelphia, Collins printing house, 1884.
Description40 p. front. (port.) pl. 28 1/2 cm.
General NoteAlso published in Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, v. 8.
SubjectsWallace, John William, 1815-1884.
OrganizationsHistorical Society of Pennsylvania.
LC Card Number05-33813
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 11 B P415 F5
mq70861: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 44278]