AuthorLibrary of Congress. Subject Cataloging Division
TitleClassification. Class V: Naval science.
EditionPrinted as manuscript.
PublishedWashington, Govt. Print. Off., 1910.
Description106 p. 26 cm.
General NoteAt head of title: Library of Congress.
Schedules made in 1904 by Mr. S. C. Stuntz, under the direction of Mr. Martel, chief classifier. Since 1905 the classification has been in charge of Mr. C. W. Perley. cf. Pref. (signed: Clarence W. Perley, acting chief classifier)
SubjectsClassification -- Books -- Naval art and science.
Representacao Tematica (Classificacao)
Other AuthorsMartel, Charles, 1860-
Perley, Clarence Warner, 1867-
Stuntz, Stephen Conrad, 1875-1918.
OrganizationsLibrary of Congress. Classification Division. Classification. Class V: Naval science.
LC Card Number10-35014
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Z 696 U5V
mq82396: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 48588]